Source code for vcd.writer

"""Write Value Change Dump files.

This module provides :class:`VCDWriter` for writing VCD files.

from datetime import datetime
from itertools import zip_longest
from numbers import Number
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

from vcd.common import ScopeType, Timescale, TimescaleMagnitude, TimescaleUnit, VarType

[docs]class VCDPhaseError(Exception): """Indicating a :class:`VCDWriter` method was called in the wrong phase. For example, calling :meth:`register_var()` after :meth:`close()` will raise this exception. """
ScopeTuple = Tuple[str, ...] ScopeInput = Union[str, Sequence[str]] TimeValue = Union[int, float] TimescaleLike = Union[Timescale, Tuple[int, str], str] CompoundSize = Sequence[int] VariableSize = Union[int, CompoundSize] EventValue = Union[bool, int] RealValue = Union[float, int] ScalarValue = Union[int, bool, str, None] StringValue = Union[str, None] CompoundValue = Sequence[ScalarValue] VarValue = Union[EventValue, RealValue, ScalarValue, StringValue, CompoundValue]
[docs]class VCDWriter: """Value Change Dump writer. A VCD file captures time-ordered changes to the value of variables. :param file file: A file-like object to write the VCD data. :param timescale: Scale of the VCD timestamps. The timescale may either be a string or a tuple containing an (int, str) pair. :type timescale: str, tuple :param str date: Optional `$date` string used in the VCD header. :param str comment: Optional `$comment` string used in the VCD header. :param str version: Optional `$version` string used in the VCD header. :param str default_scope_type: Scope type for scopes where :meth:`set_scope_type()` is not called explicitly. :param str scope_sep: Separator for scopes specified as strings. :param int init_timestamp: The initial timestamp. default=0 :raises ValueError: for invalid timescale values """ def __init__( self, file: IO[str], timescale: TimescaleLike = '1 us', date: Optional[str] = None, comment: str = '', version: str = '', default_scope_type: Union[ScopeType, str] = ScopeType.module, scope_sep: str = '.', check_values: bool = True, init_timestamp: TimeValue = 0, ) -> None: self._ofile = file self._header_keywords = { '$timescale': self._check_timescale(timescale), '$date': str( if date is None else date, '$comment': comment, '$version': version, } self._default_scope_type = ScopeType(default_scope_type) self._scope_sep = scope_sep self._check_values = check_values self._registering = True self._closed = False self._dumping = True self._next_var_id: int = 1 self._scope_var_strs: Dict[ScopeTuple, List[str]] = {} self._scope_var_names: Dict[ScopeTuple, Set[str]] = {} self._scope_types: Dict[ScopeTuple, ScopeType] = {} self._vars: List[Variable] = [] self._timestamp = int(init_timestamp) self._last_dumped_ts: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def set_scope_type( self, scope: ScopeInput, scope_type: Union[ScopeType, str] ) -> None: """Set the scope_type for a given scope. The scope's type may be set to one of the valid :class:`ScopeType` values. VCD viewer applications may display different scope types differently. :param scope: The scope to set the type of. :type scope: str or sequence of str :param str scope_type: A valid scope type string. :raises ValueError: for invalid `scope_type` """ scope_type = ScopeType(scope_type) scope_tuple = self._get_scope_tuple(scope) self._scope_types[scope_tuple] = scope_type
[docs] def register_var( self, scope: ScopeInput, name: str, var_type: Union[VarType, str], size: Optional[VariableSize] = None, init: VarValue = None, ) -> 'Variable': """Register a new VCD variable. All VCD variables must be registered prior to any value changes. :param scope: The hierarchical scope that the variable belongs within. :type scope: str or sequence of str :param str name: Name of the variable. :param VarType var_type: Type of the variable. :param size: Size, in bits, of the variable. The *size* may be expressed as an int or, for vector variable types, a tuple of int. When the size is expressed as a tuple, the *value* passed to :meth:`change()` must also be a tuple of same arity as the *size* tuple. Some variable types ('integer', 'real', 'realtime', and 'event') have a default size and thus *size* may be ``None`` for those variable types. :type size: int or tuple(int) or None :param init: Optional initial value; defaults to 'x'. :raises VCDPhaseError: if any values have been changed :raises ValueError: for invalid var_type value :raises TypeError: for invalid parameter types :raises KeyError: for duplicate var name :returns: :class:`Variable` instance appropriate for use with :meth:`change()`. """ if self._closed: raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot register after close().') elif not self._registering: raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot register after time 0.') var_type = VarType(var_type) scope_tuple = self._get_scope_tuple(scope) scope_names = self._scope_var_names.setdefault(scope_tuple, set()) if name in scope_names: raise KeyError( f'Duplicate var {name} in scope {self._scope_sep.join(scope_tuple)}' ) if size is None: if var_type in [VarType.integer, VarType.real, VarType.realtime]: size = 64 elif var_type in [VarType.event, VarType.string]: size = 1 else: raise ValueError(f'Must supply size for {var_type} var_type') if isinstance(size, Sequence): size = tuple(size) var_size = sum(size) else: var_size = size ident = _encode_identifier(self._next_var_id) var_str = f'$var {var_type} {var_size} {ident} {name} $end' var: Variable if var_type == VarType.string: if init is None: init = '' elif not isinstance(init, str): raise ValueError('string init value must be str') var = StringVariable(ident, var_type, size, init) elif var_type == VarType.event: if init is None: init = True elif not isinstance(init, (bool, int)): raise ValueError('event init value must be int, bool, or None') var = EventVariable(ident, var_type, size, init) elif var_type == VarType.real: if init is None: init = 0.0 elif not isinstance(init, (float, int)): raise ValueError('real init value must be float, int, or None') var = RealVariable(ident, var_type, size, init) elif size == 1: if init is None: init = 'x' elif not isinstance(init, (int, bool, str)): raise ValueError('scalar init value must be int, bool, str, or None') var = ScalarVariable(ident, var_type, size, init) elif isinstance(size, tuple): if init is None: init = tuple('x' * len(size)) elif not isinstance(init, Sequence): raise ValueError('compount init value must be a sequence') elif len(init) != len(size): raise ValueError('compound init value must be same length as size') elif not all(isinstance(v, (int, bool, str)) for v in init): raise ValueError('compound init values must be int, bool, or str') var = CompoundVectorVariable(ident, var_type, size, init) else: if init is None: init = 'x' elif not isinstance(init, (int, bool, str)): raise ValueError('vector init value must be int, bool, str, or None') var = VectorVariable(ident, var_type, size, init) var.format_value(init, check=True) # Only alter state after format_value() succeeds self._vars.append(var) self._next_var_id += 1 self._scope_var_strs.setdefault(scope_tuple, []).append(var_str) scope_names.add(name) return var
[docs] def register_alias(self, scope: ScopeInput, name: str, var: 'Variable') -> None: """Register a variable alias. The same VCD identifier may be associated with multiple reference names ("$var" declarations). This method associates an existing :class:`Variable` instance with a different variable scope and/or name. The alias shares the same identifier, type, size, and value as the reference variable. Because the identifier is shared, calling :meth:`change()` with ``var`` changes the value of of all associated reference names. :param scope: The hierarchical scope that the variable belongs within. :type scope: str or sequence of str :param str name: Name of the variable. :param Variable var: Existing variable to alias. """ if self._closed: raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot register after close().') elif not self._registering: raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot register after time 0.') scope_tuple = self._get_scope_tuple(scope) scope_names = self._scope_var_names.setdefault(scope_tuple, set()) if name in scope_names: raise KeyError( f'Duplicate var {name} in scope {self._scope_sep.join(scope_tuple)}' ) var_str = f'$var {var.type} {var.size} {var.ident} {name} $end' self._scope_var_strs.setdefault(scope_tuple, []).append(var_str) scope_names.add(name)
[docs] def dump_off(self, timestamp: TimeValue) -> None: """Suspend dumping to VCD file.""" if self._registering: self._finalize_registration() self._set_timestamp(timestamp) if not self._dumping: return self._dump_timestamp() self._ofile.write('$dumpoff\n') for var in self._vars: val_str = var.dump_off() if val_str: self._ofile.write(val_str + '\n') self._ofile.write('$end\n') self._dumping = False
[docs] def dump_on(self, timestamp: TimeValue) -> None: """Resume dumping to VCD file.""" if self._registering: self._finalize_registration() self._set_timestamp(timestamp) if self._dumping: return self._dumping = True self._dump_timestamp() self._dump_values('$dumpon')
def _dump_values(self, keyword: str) -> None: self._ofile.write(keyword + '\n') for var in self._vars: val_str = var.dump(self._check_values) if val_str: self._ofile.write(val_str + '\n') self._ofile.write('$end\n') def _set_timestamp(self, timestamp: TimeValue) -> None: if timestamp < self._timestamp: raise VCDPhaseError(f'Out of order timestamp: {timestamp}') elif timestamp > self._timestamp: self._timestamp = int(timestamp) def _dump_timestamp(self) -> None: if (self._timestamp != self._last_dumped_ts and self._dumping) or ( self._last_dumped_ts is None ): self._last_dumped_ts = self._timestamp self._ofile.write(f'#{self._timestamp}\n')
[docs] def change(self, var: 'Variable', timestamp: TimeValue, value: VarValue) -> None: """Change variable's value in VCD stream. This is the fundamental behavior of a :class:`VCDWriter` instance. Each time a variable's value changes, this method should be called. The *timestamp* must be in-order relative to timestamps from previous calls to :meth:`change()`. It is okay to call :meth:`change()` multiple times with the same *timestamp*, but never with a past *timestamp*. .. Note:: :meth:`change()` may be called multiple times before the timestamp progresses past 0. The last value change for each variable will go into the $dumpvars section. :param Variable var: :class:`Variable` instance (i.e. from :meth:`register_var()`). :param int timestamp: Current simulation time. :param value: New value for *var*. For :class:`VectorVariable`, if the variable's *size* is a tuple, then *value* must be a tuple of the same arity. :raises ValueError: if the value is not valid for *var*. :raises VCDPhaseError: if the timestamp is out of order or the :class:`VCDWriter` instance is closed. """ if self._closed: raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot change value after close()') # Format value early to catch any errors before writing output. if value != var.value or var.type == VarType.event: val_str = var.format_value(value, self._check_values) else: val_str = '' # Unroll for performance: self._set_timestamp(timestamp) if timestamp < self._timestamp: raise VCDPhaseError(f'Out of order timestamp: {timestamp}') elif timestamp > self._timestamp: if self._registering: self._finalize_registration() self._timestamp = int(timestamp) if not val_str: return var.value = value if self._dumping and not self._registering: # Unroll for performance: self._dump_timestamp() if self._timestamp != self._last_dumped_ts: self._last_dumped_ts = self._timestamp self._ofile.write(f'#{self._timestamp}\n{val_str}\n') else: self._ofile.write(f'{val_str}\n')
def _get_scope_tuple(self, scope: ScopeInput) -> ScopeTuple: if isinstance(scope, str): return tuple(scope.split(self._scope_sep)) if isinstance(scope, Sequence): return tuple(scope) else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid scope {scope}') @classmethod def _check_timescale(cls, timescale: TimescaleLike) -> str: if isinstance(timescale, Timescale): return str(timescale) elif isinstance(timescale, (list, tuple)): if len(timescale) != 2: raise ValueError(f'Invalid timescale {timescale}') mag, unit = timescale return str(Timescale(TimescaleMagnitude(mag), TimescaleUnit(unit))) elif isinstance(timescale, str): return str(Timescale.from_str(timescale)) else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid timescale type {type(timescale).__name__}') def __enter__(self) -> 'VCDWriter': return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[Exception]], exc_value: Optional[Exception], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self, timestamp: Optional[TimeValue] = None) -> None: """Close VCD writer. Any buffered VCD data is flushed to the output file. After :meth:`close()`, no variable registration or value changes will be accepted. :param int timestamp: optional final timestamp to insert into VCD stream. .. Note:: The output file is not automatically closed. It is up to the user to ensure the output file is closed after the :class:`VCDWriter` instance is closed. """ if not self._closed: self.flush(timestamp) self._closed = True
[docs] def flush(self, timestamp: Optional[TimeValue] = None) -> None: """Flush any buffered VCD data to output file. If the VCD header has not already been written, calling `flush()` will force the header to be written thus disallowing any further variable registration. :param int timestamp: optional timestamp to insert into VCD stream. """ if self._closed: raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot flush() after close()') if self._registering: self._finalize_registration() if timestamp is not None: self._set_timestamp(timestamp) self._dump_timestamp() self._ofile.flush()
def _gen_header(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for kwname, kwvalue in sorted(self._header_keywords.items()): if not kwvalue: continue lines = kwvalue.split('\n') if len(lines) == 1: yield f'{kwname} {lines[0]} $end' else: yield kwname for line in lines: yield '\t' + line yield '$end' prev_scope: ScopeTuple = () for scope in sorted(self._scope_var_strs): var_strs = self._scope_var_strs.pop(scope) for i, (prev, this) in enumerate(zip_longest(prev_scope, scope)): if prev != this: for _ in prev_scope[i:]: yield '$upscope $end' for j, name in enumerate(scope[i:]): scope_type = self._scope_types.get( scope[: i + j + 1], self._default_scope_type ) yield f'$scope {scope_type.value} {name} $end' break else: assert scope != prev_scope # pragma no cover for var_str in var_strs: yield var_str prev_scope = scope for _ in prev_scope: yield '$upscope $end' yield '$enddefinitions $end' def _finalize_registration(self) -> None: assert self._registering self._ofile.write('\n'.join(self._gen_header()) + '\n') if self._vars: self._dump_timestamp() self._dump_values('$dumpvars') self._registering = False # This state is not needed after registration phase. self._header_keywords.clear() self._scope_types.clear() self._scope_var_names.clear()
ValueType = TypeVar('ValueType')
[docs]class Variable(Generic[ValueType]): """VCD variable details needed to call :meth:`VCDWriter.change()`.""" __slots__ = ('ident', 'type', 'size', 'value') def __init__(self, ident: str, type: VarType, size: VariableSize, init: ValueType): #: Identifier used in VCD output stream. self.ident = ident #: VCD variable type; one of :const:`VCDWriter.VAR_TYPES`. self.type = type #: Size, in bits, of variable. self.size = size #: Last value of variable. self.value = init
[docs] def format_value(self, value: ValueType, check: bool = True) -> str: """Format value change for use in VCD stream.""" raise NotImplementedError
def dump(self, check: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: return self.format_value(self.value, check) def dump_off(self) -> Optional[str]: return None
[docs]class ScalarVariable(Variable[ScalarValue]): """One-bit VCD scalar. This is a 4-state variable and thus may have values of 0, 1, 'z', or 'x'. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def format_value(self, value: ScalarValue, check: bool = True) -> str: """Format scalar value change for VCD stream. :param value: 1-bit (4-state) scalar value. :type value: str, bool, int, or None :raises ValueError: for invalid *value*. :returns: string representing value change for use in a VCD stream. """ if isinstance(value, str): if check and (len(value) != 1 or value not in '01xzXZ'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid scalar value ({value})') return value + self.ident elif value is None: return 'z' + self.ident elif value: return '1' + self.ident else: return '0' + self.ident
def dump_off(self) -> str: return 'x' + self.ident
class EventVariable(Variable[EventValue]): """VCD event variable. An event is transient--it only exists at the time it is changed. """ def format_value(self, value: EventValue, check: bool = True) -> str: if value: return '1' + self.ident else: raise ValueError('Invalid event value') def dump(self, check: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: return None class StringVariable(Variable[StringValue]): """String variable as known by GTKWave. Any "string" (character-chain) can be displayed as a change. This type is only supported by GTKWave. """ __slots__ = () def format_value(self, value: StringValue, check: bool = True) -> str: """Format scalar value change for VCD stream. :param value: a string, str() :type value: str :raises ValueError: for invalid *value*. :returns: string representing value change for use in a VCD stream. """ if value is None: value_str = '' elif check and not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f'Invalid string value ({value!r})') else: value_str = value.translate( { 9: "\\t", 10: "\\n", 13: "\\r", 32: "\\x20", 92: "\\\\", } ) return f's{value_str} {self.ident}'
[docs]class RealVariable(Variable[RealValue]): """Real (IEEE-754 double-precision floating point) variable. Values must be numeric and cannot be 'x' or 'z' states. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def format_value(self, value: RealValue, check: bool = True) -> str: """Format real value change for VCD stream. :param value: Numeric changed value. :param type: float or int :raises ValueError: for invalid real *value*. :returns: string representing value change for use in a VCD stream. """ if not check or isinstance(value, Number): return f'r{value:.16g} {self.ident}' else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid real value ({value})')
[docs]class VectorVariable(Variable[ScalarValue]): """Bit vector variable type. This is for the various non-scalar and non-real variable types including integer, register, wire, etc. """ __slots__ = () size: int
[docs] def format_value(self, value: ScalarValue, check: bool = True) -> str: """Format value change for VCD stream. :param value: New value for the variable. :types value: int, str, or None :raises ValueError: for *some* invalid values. A *value* of `None` is the same as `'z'`. .. Warning:: If *value* is of type :py:class:`str`, all characters must be one of `'01xzXZ'`. For the sake of performance, checking **is not** done to ensure value strings only contain conforming characters. Thus it is possible to produce invalid VCD streams with invalid string values. """ value_str = _format_scalar_value(value, self.size, check) return f'b{value_str} {self.ident}'
def dump_off(self) -> str: return self.format_value('x', check=False)
[docs]class CompoundVectorVariable(Variable[CompoundValue]): """Bit vector variable type with a compound size. This is for the various non-scalar and non-real variable types including integer, register, wire, etc. """ __slots__ = () size: CompoundSize
[docs] def format_value(self, value: CompoundValue, check: bool = True) -> str: """Format value change for VCD stream. :param value: Sequence of scalar components of the variable's value. The sequence must be the same length as the variable's size tuple. :returns: string representing value change for use in a VCD stream. """ if len(value) != len(self.size): raise ValueError( f'Compound value ({value}) must be length {len(self.size)}' ) # The string is built-up right-to-left in order to minimize/avoid left-extension # in the final value string. vstr_list: List[str] = [] vstr_len = 0 size_sum = 0 for v, size in zip(reversed(value), reversed(self.size)): vstr = _format_scalar_value(v, size, check) if not vstr_list: vstr_list.insert(0, vstr) vstr_len += len(vstr) else: leftc = vstr_list[0][0] rightc = vstr[0] if len(vstr) > 1 or ( (rightc != leftc or leftc == '1') and (rightc != '0' or leftc != '1') ): extendc = '0' if leftc == '1' else leftc extend_size = size_sum - vstr_len vstr_list.insert(0, extendc * extend_size) vstr_list.insert(0, vstr) vstr_len += extend_size + len(vstr) size_sum += size value_str = ''.join(vstr_list) return f'b{value_str} {self.ident}'
def dump_off(self) -> str: return self.format_value(tuple('x' * len(self.size)), check=False)
def _format_scalar_value(value: ScalarValue, size: int, check: bool) -> str: if isinstance(value, int): max_val = 1 << size if check and (-value > (max_val >> 1) or value >= max_val): raise ValueError(f'Value ({value}) not representable in {size} bits') if value < 0: value += max_val return format(value, 'b') elif value is None: return 'z' else: if check and ( not isinstance(value, str) or len(value) > size or any(c not in '01xzXZ-' for c in value) ): raise ValueError(f'Invalid vector value ({value})') return value def _encode_identifier(v: int) -> str: """Encode identifer value into base-94 string.""" assert v > 0, 'identifier codes must be > 0' encoded = '' while v != 0: v -= 1 encoded += chr((v % 94) + 33) v //= 94 return encoded