Source code for vcd.reader

'''Read Value Change Dump (VCD) files.

The primary interface is the :func:`tokenize()` generator function,
parses a binary VCD stream, yielding tokens as they are encountered.

.. code::

   >>> import io
   >>> from vcd.reader import TokenKind, tokenize
   >>> vcd = b"$date today $end $timescale 1 ns $end"
   >>> tokens = tokenize(io.BytesIO(vcd))
   >>> token = next(tokens)
   >>> assert token.kind is TokenKind.DATE
   >>> assert == 'today'
   >>> token = next(tokens)
   >>> assert token.kind is TokenKind.TIMESCALE
   >>> assert token.timescale.magnitude.value == 1
   >>> assert token.timescale.unit.value == 'ns'


import io
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from vcd.common import ScopeType, Timescale, TimescaleMagnitude, TimescaleUnit, VarType

[docs]class TokenKind(Enum): """Kinds of VCD tokens.""" COMMENT = 1 DATE = 2 ENDDEFINITIONS = 3 SCOPE = 4 TIMESCALE = 5 UPSCOPE = 6 VAR = 7 VERSION = 8 DUMPALL = 9 DUMPOFF = 10 DUMPON = 11 DUMPVARS = 12 END = 13 CHANGE_TIME = 14 CHANGE_SCALAR = 15 CHANGE_VECTOR = 16 CHANGE_REAL = 17 CHANGE_STRING = 18
[docs]class VarDecl(NamedTuple): """VCD variable declaration. Examples:: $var wire 4 !@# foobar [ 3 : 1 ] $end $var real 1 aaa foobar $end $var integer 32 > foobar[8] $end """ type_: VarType #: Type of variable size: int #: Size, in bits, of variable id_code: str """Identifer code of variable. This code is used in subsequent value change descriptors to map-back to this variable declaration.""" reference: str """Reference name of variable. This human-readable name typically corresponds to the name of a variable in the model that output the VCD.""" bit_index: Union[None, int, Tuple[int, int]] """Optional range of bits to select from the variable. May select a single bit index, e.g. ``ref [ 3 ]``. Or a range of bits, e.g. from ``ref [ 7 : 3 ]`` (MSB index then LSB index).""" @property def ref_str(self) -> str: if self.bit_index is None: return self.reference elif isinstance(self.bit_index, int): return f'{self.reference}[{self.bit_index}]' else: return f'{self.reference}[{self.bit_index[0]}:{self.bit_index[1]}]'
[docs]class ScopeDecl(NamedTuple): """VCD scope declaration. Examples:: $scope module Foo $end $scope fork alpha_beta $end """ type_: ScopeType #: Type of scope ident: str #: Scope name
[docs]class VectorChange(NamedTuple): """Vector value change descriptor. A vector value consists of multiple 4-state values, where the four states are 0, 1, X, and Z. When a vector value consists entirely of 0 and 1 states, :attr:`value` will be an int. Otherwise :attr:`value` will be a str. """ id_code: str #: Identifier code of associated variable. value: Union[int, str] #: New value of associated vector variable.
[docs]class RealChange(NamedTuple): """Real value (floating point) change descriptor.""" id_code: str #: Identifier code of associated variable. value: float #: New value of associated real variable.
[docs]class ScalarChange(NamedTuple): """Scalar value change descriptor. A scalar is a single 4-state value. The value is one of '0', '1', 'X', or 'Z'. """ id_code: str #: Identifier code of associated variable. value: str #: New value of associated scalar variable.
[docs]class StringChange(NamedTuple): """String value change descriptor. Strings are VCD extension supported by GTKWave. """ id_code: str #: Identifier code of associated variable. value: str #: New value of associated string variable.
[docs]class Location(NamedTuple): """Describe location within VCD stream/file.""" line: int #: Line number column: int #: Column number
[docs]class Span(NamedTuple): """Describe location span within VCD stream/file.""" start: Location #: Start of span end: Location #: End of span
[docs]class Token(NamedTuple): """VCD token yielded from :func:`tokenize()`. These are relatively high-level tokens insofar as each token fully captures an entire VCD declaration, command, or change descriptor. The :attr:`kind` attribute determines the :attr:`data` type. Various kind-specific properties provide runtime type-checked access to the kind-specific data. .. Note:: The :attr:`data` attribute may be accessed directly to avoid runtime type checks and thus achieve better runtime performance versus accessing kind-specific properties such as :attr:`scalar_change`. """ kind: TokenKind "The kind of token." span: Span "The start and end location of the token within the file/stream." data: Union[ None, # $enddefinitions $upscope $dump* $end int, # time change str, # $comment, $date, $version ScopeDecl, # $scope Timescale, # $timescale VarDecl, # $var ScalarChange, VectorChange, RealChange, StringChange, ] "Data associated with the token. The data type depends on :attr:`kind`." @property def comment(self) -> str: """Unstructured text from a ``$comment`` declaration.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.COMMENT assert isinstance(, str) return @property def date(self) -> str: """Unstructured text from a ``$date`` declaration.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.DATE assert isinstance(, str) return @property def scope(self) -> ScopeDecl: """Scope type and identifier from ``$scope`` declaration.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.SCOPE assert isinstance(, ScopeDecl) return @property def timescale(self) -> Timescale: """Magnitude and unit from ``$timescale`` declaration.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.TIMESCALE assert isinstance(, Timescale) return @property def var(self) -> VarDecl: """Details from a ``$var`` declaration.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.VAR assert isinstance(, VarDecl) return @property def version(self) -> str: """Unstructured text from a ``$version`` declaration.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.VERSION assert isinstance(, str) return @property def time_change(self) -> int: """Simulation time change.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.CHANGE_TIME assert isinstance(, int) return @property def scalar_change(self) -> ScalarChange: """Scalar value change descriptor.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.CHANGE_SCALAR assert isinstance(, ScalarChange) return @property def vector_change(self) -> VectorChange: """Vector value change descriptor.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.CHANGE_VECTOR assert isinstance(, VectorChange) return @property def real_change(self) -> RealChange: """Real (float) value change descriptor.""" assert self.kind is TokenKind.CHANGE_REAL assert isinstance(, RealChange) return @property def string_change(self) -> StringChange: "String value change descriptor." assert self.kind is TokenKind.CHANGE_STRING assert isinstance(, StringChange) return
[docs]class VCDParseError(Exception): """Catch-all error for any VCD parsing errors.""" def __init__(self, loc: Location, msg: str) -> None: super().__init__(f'{loc.line}:{loc.column}: {msg}') self.loc = loc "Location within VCD file where error was detected."
HasReadinto = Union[io.BufferedIOBase, io.RawIOBase]
[docs]def tokenize(stream: HasReadinto, buf_size: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Token]: """Parse VCD stream into tokens. The input stream must be opened in binary mode. E.g. with ``open(path, 'rb')``. """ if buf_size is None: buf_size = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE s = _TokenizerState(stream, bytearray(buf_size)) try: while True: s.advance() yield _parse_token(s) except StopIteration: return
@dataclass class _TokenizerState: stream: HasReadinto buf: bytearray pos: int = 0 end: int = 0 lineno: int = 1 column: int = 0 @property def loc(self) -> Location: return Location(self.lineno, self.column) def span(self, start: Location) -> Span: return Span(start, self.loc) def advance(self, raise_on_eof: bool = True) -> int: if self.pos < self.end: self.pos += 1 else: n = if n: self.end = n - 1 self.pos = 0 elif raise_on_eof: raise StopIteration() else: return 0 c = self.buf[self.pos] if c == 10: self.lineno += 1 self.column = 1 else: self.column += 1 return self.buf[self.pos] def skip_ws(self) -> int: c = self.buf[self.pos] while c == 32 or 9 <= c <= 13: c = self.advance() return c def take_ws_after_kw(self, kw: str) -> None: if _is_ws(self.buf[self.pos]): self.advance() else: raise VCDParseError(self.loc, f'Expected whitespace after identifier ${kw}') def take_decimal(self) -> int: digits = [] c = self.buf[self.pos] while 48 <= c <= 57: # '0' <= c <= '9' digits.append(c) c = self.advance(raise_on_eof=False) if digits: return int(bytes(digits)) else: raise VCDParseError(self.loc, 'Expected decimal value') def take_id_code(self) -> str: printables = [] c = self.buf[self.pos] while 33 <= c <= 126: # printable character printables.append(c) c = self.advance(raise_on_eof=False) if printables: return bytes(printables).decode('ascii') else: raise VCDParseError(self.loc, 'Expected id code') def take_identifier(self) -> str: # TODO: handle escaped identifiers identifier = [] c = self.buf[self.pos] # Identifiers must start with letter or underscore if ( 65 <= c <= 90 # 'A' <= c <= 'Z' or 97 <= c <= 122 # 'a' - 'z' or c == 95 # '_' ): identifier.append(c) c = self.advance() else: raise VCDParseError(self.loc, 'Identifier must start with a-zA-Z_') while ( 48 <= c <= 57 # '0' - '9' or 65 <= c <= 90 # 'A' - 'Z' or 97 <= c <= 122 # 'a' - 'z' or c == 95 # '_' or c == 36 # '$' or c == 46 # '.' not in spec, but seen in the wild or c == 40 # '(' - produced by cva6 core or c == 41 # ')' - produced by cva6 core ): identifier.append(c) c = self.advance(raise_on_eof=False) return bytes(identifier).decode('ascii') def take_bit_index(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]: self.skip_ws() index0 = self.take_decimal() index1: Optional[int] c = self.skip_ws() if c == 58: # ':' self.advance() self.skip_ws() index1 = self.take_decimal() else: index1 = None c = self.skip_ws() if c == 93: # ']' self.advance(raise_on_eof=False) if index1 is None: return index0 else: return (index0, index1) else: raise VCDParseError(self.loc, 'Expected bit index to terminate with "]"') def take_to_end(self) -> str: chars = [ self.buf[self.pos], # $ self.advance(), # --> e self.advance(), # --> n self.advance(), # --> d ] while not ( # Check for 'd' 'n' 'e' '$' chars[-1] == 100 and chars[-2] == 110 and chars[-3] == 101 and chars[-4] == 36 ): chars.append(self.advance()) if len(chars) > 4 and not _is_ws(chars[-5]): loc = Location(self.lineno, self.column - min(len(chars), 5)) raise VCDParseError(loc, 'Expected whitespace before $end') return bytes(chars[:-5]).decode('ascii') def take_end(self) -> None: if ( self.skip_ws() != 36 # '$' or self.advance() != 101 # 'e' or self.advance() != 110 # 'n' or self.advance() != 100 # 'd' ): raise VCDParseError(self.loc, 'Expected $end') def _is_ws(c: int) -> bool: return c == 32 or 9 <= c <= 13 def _parse_token(s: _TokenizerState) -> Token: c = s.skip_ws() start = s.loc if c == 35: # '#' # Parse time change s.advance() time = s.take_decimal() return Token(TokenKind.CHANGE_TIME, s.span(start), time) elif c == 48 or c == 49 or c == 122 or c == 90 or c == 120 or c == 88: # c in '01zZxX' # Parse scalar change scalar_value = chr(c) s.advance() id_code = s.take_id_code() return Token( TokenKind.CHANGE_SCALAR, s.span(start), ScalarChange(id_code, scalar_value) ) elif c == 66 or c == 98: # 'B' or 'b' # Parse vector change vector = [] c = s.advance() while c == 48 or c == 49: # '0' or '1' vector.append(c) c = s.advance() vector_value: Union[int, str] if c == 122 or c == 90 or c == 120 or c == 88: # c in 'zZxX' vector.append(c) c = s.advance() while ( c == 48 or c == 49 or c == 122 or c == 90 or c == 120 or c == 88 ): # c in '01zZxX' vector.append(c) c = s.advance() vector_value = bytes(vector).decode('ascii') else: vector_value = int(bytes(vector), 2) if not _is_ws(c): raise VCDParseError(s.loc, 'Expected whitespace after vector value') s.skip_ws() id_code = s.take_id_code() return Token( TokenKind.CHANGE_VECTOR, s.span(start), VectorChange(id_code, vector_value) ) elif c == 82 or c == 114: # 'R' or 'r' # Parse real change real_digits = [] c = s.advance() while not _is_ws(c): real_digits.append(c) c = s.advance() try: real = float(bytes(real_digits)) except ValueError: real_str = bytes(real_digits).decode("ascii") raise VCDParseError(start, f'Expected real value, got: {real_str}') s.skip_ws() id_code = s.take_id_code() return Token(TokenKind.CHANGE_REAL, s.span(start), RealChange(id_code, real)) elif c == 83 or c == 115: # 'S' or 's' chars = [] c = s.advance() while not _is_ws(c): chars.append(c) c = s.advance() s.skip_ws() id_code = s.take_id_code() string_value = bytes(chars).decode('ascii') return Token( TokenKind.CHANGE_STRING, s.span(start), StringChange(id_code, string_value) ) elif c == 36: # '$' s.advance() kw = s.take_identifier() if kw == 'comment': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) comment = s.take_to_end() return Token(TokenKind.COMMENT, s.span(start), comment) elif kw == 'date': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) date_str = s.take_to_end() return Token(TokenKind.DATE, s.span(start), date_str) elif kw == 'enddefinitions': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) s.take_end() return Token(TokenKind.ENDDEFINITIONS, s.span(start), None) elif kw == 'scope': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) s.skip_ws() identifier = s.take_identifier() try: scope_type = ScopeType(identifier) except ValueError: raise VCDParseError(s.loc, f'Invalid $scope type: {identifier}') s.skip_ws() scope_ident = s.take_identifier() s.take_end() scope_decl = ScopeDecl(scope_type, scope_ident) return Token(TokenKind.SCOPE, s.span(start), scope_decl) elif kw == 'timescale': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) s.skip_ws() mag_int = s.take_decimal() try: magnitude = TimescaleMagnitude(mag_int) except ValueError: valid_magnitudes = ', '.join(str(m.value) for m in TimescaleMagnitude) raise VCDParseError( s.loc, f'Invalid $timescale magnitude: {mag_int}. ' f'Must be one of: {valid_magnitudes}.', ) s.skip_ws() unit_str = s.take_identifier() try: unit = TimescaleUnit(unit_str) except ValueError: valid_units = ', '.join(u.value for u in TimescaleUnit) raise VCDParseError( s.loc, f'Invalid $timescale unit: {unit_str}. ' f'Must be one of: {valid_units}.', ) s.take_end() timescale = Timescale(magnitude, unit) return Token(TokenKind.TIMESCALE, s.span(start), timescale) elif kw == 'upscope': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) s.take_end() return Token(TokenKind.UPSCOPE, s.span(start), None) elif kw == 'var': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) s.skip_ws() type_str = s.take_identifier() try: type_ = VarType(type_str) except ValueError: valid_types = ', '.join(t.value for t in VarType) raise VCDParseError( s.loc, f'Invalid $var type: {type_str}. Must be one of: {valid_types}', ) s.skip_ws() size = s.take_decimal() s.skip_ws() id_code = s.take_id_code() s.skip_ws() ident = s.take_identifier() bit_index: Union[None, int, Tuple[int, int]] c = s.skip_ws() if c == 91: # '[' s.advance() bit_index = s.take_bit_index() else: bit_index = None s.take_end() var_decl = VarDecl(type_, size, id_code, ident, bit_index) return Token(TokenKind.VAR, s.span(start), var_decl) elif kw == 'version': s.take_ws_after_kw(kw) version = s.take_to_end() return Token(TokenKind.VERSION, s.span(start), version) elif kw == 'dumpall': return Token(TokenKind.DUMPALL, s.span(start), None) elif kw == 'dumpoff': return Token(TokenKind.DUMPOFF, s.span(start), None) elif kw == 'dumpon': return Token(TokenKind.DUMPON, s.span(start), None) elif kw == 'dumpvars': return Token(TokenKind.DUMPVARS, s.span(start), None) elif kw == 'end': return Token(TokenKind.END, s.span(start), None) else: raise VCDParseError(s.loc, f'invalid keyword ${kw}') else: raise VCDParseError(s.loc, f'confused: {chr(c)}')